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TOP 20 HATSUHARU (KANCOLLE) Hentai-Bilder von 2024 (und mehr)

hatsuharu (kancolle) wiki

"Early Spring" Hatsuharu is the namesake ship of the Hatsuharu-class destroyers in Kantai Collection. She has long purple hair in a ponytail secured with a rope with ornamental shide. She has purple eyes and her eyebrows are in hikimayu. She wears a short one-piece sailor dress with thighhighs and black gloves. She usually holds a folding fan and talks in a very formal, if old-fashioned way (Uses personal pronoun "Warawa", uses "ja" as copula, etc.). (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

Alternative Namen:

Hatsuharu (kancolle) Rule 34

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